About the Designer

Born, baptized and raised in Evangelical and Pentecostal churches, Garry South only began observing the use of liturgical vestments when he started attending an Episcopal church in college. Intrigued with learning about the history and meaning of these unfamiliar worship accoutrements, he began studying religious history and looking up articles on vestments in the university library. His interest was enhanced when he moved to Washington, DC, after graduating from college, and for the first several years lived just two blocks from Georgetown University. He began checking out books on vestments from the Jesuit institution’s library.
He finally decided to combine his longtime artistic talents with his newfound fascination with liturgical vestments, and in 1986 designed his first vestment set for his Episcopal parish in DC, a work in memory of his maternal grandmother, who had passed away the preceding year. Since then, South has designed dozens of traditional vestments and paraments (adornments for altars and pulpits), for both Episcopal and Catholic bishops, priests and churches. South’s unusual hobby — which even he describes as “esoteric” — has earned him a feature story in the Los Angeles Times, and also in the Liturgical Arts Journal. Read more about Garry’s work.
Garry South extends special thanks and appreciation to CM Almy, Pittsfield, ME, and Watts & Co., London, UK, the vestment makers that have manufactured most of the vestments featured on this site. Producing custom-designed liturgical garments from scratch is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, and none of these creations would have been possible without the craftsmanship, patience and attention to detail of Almy and Watts. Deo gratias!