Liturgical Arts Journal: Strategist by Day, Vestment Designer by Night

November 6, 2017

Featuring new work in the realm of the liturgical arts is one of our stated goals here at LAJ. After all, we are not only interested in the tradition of liturgical art in its historical manifestations but also in its living one’s. Traditional liturgical arts are not, after all, consigned to be mere museum pieces, but rather can and do find a continuing living expression in the here and now.

Recently a reader of LAJ, Garry South — a strategist by day and vestment designer by night — sent in an example of his work; a traditional five piece vestment set (chasuble, stole, maniple, chalice veil and burse) which he designed for one of the priests of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter in San Diego, California.

Mr. South, a convert, has been at his craft for over thirty years now and has produced dozens of pieces over the years, investing a copious amount of time in the careful design and execution of each of his pieces. He has worked in various styles, from the Roman and Spanish baroque styles, to the gothic revival form that we have the pleasure of showing to readers today.

We will get right to it and show the completed work while actually worn — the ultimate test for any vestment work. I have seen many a vestment which looks fine while laid out, but when worn one might suddenly find that the vestment proportions are off or that it does not wear in manner that is graceful and dignified. Fortunately, that is not the case here.

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